Tungurahua 4988m

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Tungurahua is a mountain range in Ecuador with an elevation of 4988 metres. Tungurahua is within the following mountain ranges: Ecuadorian Andes, Andean Volcanic Belt (Northern Part). Its territory is within the Ecuatorian protection area of Sangay National Park. It is on the border of 2 provinces: Ecuatorian provinces of Penipe and Baños de Agua Santa. Its slopes are within 2 cities: Ecuatorian cities of Puela and Baños de Agua Santa.

Based on the elevation provided by the available Digital elevation models, SRTM filled with ASTER (4988m), TanDEM-X(5017m), , Tungurahua is about 4988 meters above sea level.The height of the nearest key col is 3463 meters so its prominence is 1525 meters. Tungurahua is listed as mountain range, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 30,57%.

Dominance %30,57%
Key Lat/Lon-1,55162,-78,3759
Key Col Alt3463
Parent PeakEl Altar -1,68485,-78,4234
Dominance Classmountain range
DEM Avg. Altitude4988
First Ascent infoAlphons Stübel and Wilhelm Reiss (Germany) and Eusebio Rodriguez (Ecuador) - 01/02/1873
First Ascent SourceBOOK: Le Ande AUTHOR: Pietro Meciani DATE: 1965 PAGE: 30
Ecuador CityPuela, Baños de Agua Santa
Ecuador ProvincePenipe, Baños de Agua Santa
Ecuador DepartmentTungurahua, Chimborazo
Ecuador Protection AreaSangay National Park
Mountain Range Level 1Ecuadorian Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Andean Volcanic Belt (Northern Part)

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