Pico del Barroso 5165m

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Picos del Barroso is a mountain range at the border of Argentina and Chile with an elevation of 5165 metres. Picos del Barroso is within the following mountain ranges: Chilean Andes, Andes Centrales. It is on the border of 3 provinces: Argentinean province of Mendoza; Chilean provinces of Cordillera and Cachapoal. Its slopes are within 3 cities: Argentinean city of San Rafael; Chilean cities of San José de Maipo and Machalí.

Based on the elevation provided by the available Digital elevation models, SRTM filled with ASTER (5165m), TanDEM-X(5199m), , Picos del Barroso is about 5165 meters above sea level.The height of the nearest key col is 3425 meters so its prominence is 1740 meters. Picos del Barroso is listed as mountain range, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 33,69%.

NamePicos del Barroso
Dominance %33,69%
Key Lat/Lon-34,2377,-69,8022
Key Col Alt3425
Parent PeakAconcagua -32,6532,-70,0112
Dominance Classmountain range
DEM Avg. Altitude5165
First Ascent infoEberhard Meier, Wilhelm Niehaus, Wolfgang Förster (Germany) - 12/02/1948
First Ascent SourceJOURNAL: Revista Andina Nro 60 DATE: 1948 PAGE: 7 - 8 / JOURNAL: DAV Chile DATE: 2013 PAGE: https://www.dav.cl/2013/06/primer-ascenso-a-los-picos-del-barroso-y-al-cerro-de-federico-en-1948/
CountryArgentina / Chile
Argentina CitySan Rafael
Argentina ProvinceMendoza
Chile CitySan José de Maipo, Machalí
Chile ProvinceCordillera, Cachapoal
Chile RegionMetropolitana de Santiago, Región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins
Mountain Range Level 1Chilean Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Andes Centrales

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